Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Evil Inside Of Me

I feel like people want to take my kindness for a weakness. I know sometimes It's me but most of the time it's people. I've gotten advice from my cousin so I'm trying redeam myself while I'm at school and at my program. As long as you be nice I'll be nice. You say something ignorant out your mouth I won't interact with you. If you constantly just go I'm going to overpower you in anyway I can. I don't like be evil, mean, and tempermental person but if you get it out of  me I will attend to do so. I don't like mean, arrogant, overly conceded people who are smart up to the point where they make everybody else feel smarte than them. I got evil inside of me.The best thing you should do is don't bring it out of me because once I go above 4, that's a warning. Keep your distance please and thank you!

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