Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Big Goal

My big goal is to make this video of my life story. I want people to know how I feel. I don't want people to feel bad for me I just want people to understand and know that ''This is what I've been through,'' ''This is my whole life,'' and ''This is who I am as a person." I want to show this project to the whole school. Maybe they will understand what a homosexials life is like. I want   people to not be so homophobic and judgmental; I really don't like that. Homosexials are people to there just different. That is the goal that I want to achieve. 

I think all people need respect and loyalty. That is why I want to do this video. It's OK to not like someone but to judge them and talk about behind their back is wrong. I can't change how people feel about other people so it's not my fault it's theirs. I'm going to bring some pictures of me when I was little so I can take a picture of them on ''Comic Strip.'' I asked my grandmom about the video and she still has it in her room. I want all of my friends in and out of the classroom to be in the video just talking about what it's like having me as a friend and just saying good stuff about me. I want to talk about my talents and I need to figure out a way to make this video short because there's a lot of things I want put in this video. I want songs on the video maybe about 5 or 6 song playing in the backround. I want to talk about my love life for the last thing. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i like it becuse you had alot of detils. in it but you had a sentice that did'nt make since but it was really good

  3. I like your comic strip and your posts that you wrote Vincent. Its just that you need to fix the words and your sentences. You are the star struck one. Very nice goal you wrote. Good job
